
Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft der Stadt München

Kirchseeoner Straße 3
81669 München
+49 89 62020 300

Managing Director:
Andreas Lackner

Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board: 
Mayor Verena Dietl

Register court: Munich District Court
Registration number: HRB 108081
VAT identification number: DE190458405

Supervisory Board

Mayor Verena Dietl (Chairwoman), Sabine Bär, Walter Blechschmidt*, Yasemin Caliskan*, Silke Dedovic*, Alexandra Gaßmann, Anna Hanusch, Stefan Hattenkofer, Barbara Likus, Marian Offman, Christian Köning, Sofie Langmeier, Clara Nitsche, Zoran Pantelic*, Sabine Schmidt*
(* = Employee representatives)

Medical device safety

According to § 6 of the German Medical Devices Operator Act (MPBetreibV).

The proper use of medical devices is of paramount importance at MÜNCHENSTIFT.

The following mailbox is available to users of medical devices to report warnings and corrective actions to the Medical Device Safety Officer:


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The content of this website may not be copied, distributed, modified or made available to third parties for commercial purposes. We would like to point out that some of the images contained on the website are subject to the copyright of third parties.