Enhanced enjoyment of life for the elderly! We do our utmost to fulfill this mission - across Munich. In our 9 care and nursing homes and 5 supported residences, as well as with our comprehensive domiciliary and day care services, we offer competent and reliable care and assistance wherever needed.
Some 3,000 elderly people live in our residences - with or without care services. Helping you to lead an independent life is our prime concern. We also focus on the intensity and continuity of our care services, which we continuously develop.
People-centred care
Day care for the elderly
Would your family member like to stay in their own home for as long as possible, but requires care and assistance during the day that you are unable to provide, especially due to work commitments? For people with dementia in particular a familiar living environment is an important factor of orientation. They feel comfortable and can cope more easily at home. Relatives of elderly people in need of care are familiar with this dilemma.
Day care is the ideal way for family caregivers to ease their burden. The elderly person spends one or several days a week in community day care. They can spend their time with us in the community kitchen, activity or quiet room as they like. In the evening, they return home to their families.
Diversity-sensitive care
Being perceived, recognized, cared for and looked after in our uniqueness is a very essential prerequisite for a happy existence. The uniqueness of all individuals we care for is influenced by their social and ethnic origin, their gender identity and sexuality, their culture, citizenship and religion, their hobbies, interests and lifestyles, their relatives and friends, their age and knowledge, their abilities in sickness and health.
For MÜNCHENSTIFT, this means that the entire ensemble of care services and their implementation must be person-centered and non-discriminatory - form personal interactions to strategic decisions. Our concept of LGBTI*-sensitive care and assistance particularly addresses the specific needs and requirements of the group of LGBTI* seniors.

We look forward to hearing from you. Please contact us and together, we will find out how best to help and support you.
General information
Kirchseeoner Straße 3
81669 München
+49 89 62020 340