There are situations, such as after a stay in hospital, in which there is a temporary need for care, or a person in need of care who was previously cared for at home is not yet fit enough for domiciliary care.
Short-term care is designed for temporary situations in which the person in need cannot be appropriately cared for at home. Family caregivers are supported temporarily and can relax and rest while the person in need receives the care and assistance they require.
Short-term or complementary care - what is the difference between the two?
Short-term care is limited to a period of 56 days (eight weeks) per year. During this period,
long-term care insurance companies cover care costs in a care facility up to a total amount of €1,612. Short-term and complementary care can also be combined.
Complementary care is limited to 42 days (six weeks) per year and long-term care insurance also covers care costs up to a total amount of €1,612. The maximum entitlement to cost coverage is therefore €3,224 for a maximum period of 14 weeks per calendar year. In contrast to short-term care, complementary care can also be provided at the person’s home, while short-term care is only possible in a suitable care facility. To claim complementary care you must have already looked after your family member at home for six months.
Flexible and plannable
All of our care and nursing homes offer short-term care subject to availability. This means that a current vacancy can be allocated to a person in need of short-term care. Reserving short-term care in advance for a specific period is only possible in the special short-term care unit in our Haus an der Rümannstraße residence.
Short-term care is necessary or expedient if
- a person who has previously been cared for at home is not well enough to be looked after there after a stay in hospital.
- an elderly person who has previously lived alone needs professional care for a limited period after an illness or an accident.
- the care needs of the family member looked after at home suddenly increase and the caregiver cannot cope.
- the need for care arises unexpectedly and time is required to organise domiciliary care.
- the caregiver falls ill and is temporarily unable to provide care.
- the caregiver needs a break due to mental and physical stress or would simply like to go on holiday.
- the person in need can no longer be cared for at home, but no vacancy in a home has yet been found or is available.
- the short-term care is by way of testing the residence with a view to staying there permanently.

Do you have questions or would you like to book short-term care? Please call us or write us.
Care and accommodation arrangements
Kirchseeoner Straße 3
81669 München
+49 89 62020 340