Care quality

MÜNCHENSTIFT's facilities are regularly assessed by the Health Insurance Medical Service (MD) as well as by the municipal Fachstelle für Pflege- und Behinderteneinrichtungen - Qualitätsentwicklung und Aufsicht der Landeshauptstadt München (FQA). The nursing assessments and inspection reports can be viewed in full at every MÜNCHENSTIFT facility and can be accessed online.

  • Eight moderate quality deficits and one significant quality deficit were identified at St. Josef during the nursing assessments carried out by the Medical Service (MD) in 2022. Serious quality deficits were not identified at any of our facilities.
  • The audits by the Fachstelle für Pflege- und Behinderteneinrichtungen (FQA) in 2022 were carried out exclusively on an ad hoc basis. A significant deficiency was identified at St. Josef.
FacilityMDMD-EvaluationFQAReason for auditResult

St. Martin





ad hoc

ad hoc

no deficiencies

no deficiencies

St. Josef



St. Josef - WB 06


01. & 02/03/22

4 x n. QD

8 x mod. QD

1 x sig. QD





ad hoc

ad hoc

ad hoc

ad hoc

no deficiencies

significant deficiencies

no deficiencies

no deficiencies

St. Maria Ramersdorf--22/06/22ad hocno deficiencies
Haus an der Rümannstraße--23/02/23ad hocno deficiencies
Hans-Sieber-Haus--21/06/22ad hocno deficiencies
Alfons-Hoffmann-Haus08. & 09/11/2212 x n. QD---
Haus an der Effnerstraße-----
Haus an der Tauernstraße01. & 02/06/2213 x n. QD18/01/22ad hocno deficiencies
Heilig Geist-----
Ambulatory care service Allach-----
Ambulatory care service Bogenhausen-----
Ambulatory care service Sendling01/06/22no grade---
Ambulatory care service Schwabing17/03/22grade 1,2---
Ambulatory care service Harlaching-----
Day care Sendling-----
Day care Neuhausen01/04/226 x n. QD---

MD audit rating: n. QD = no or minor quality deficits; mod. QD = moderate quality deficits; sig. QD = significant quality deficits; srs. QD = serious quality deficits

Maintaining and developing high standards

The intensive development of internal quality controlling based on monthly risk potential assessments is an increasingly effective tool in improving the quality of the care and assistance provided by MÜNCHENSTIFT: a total of 17 risk potentials are regularly assessed in all residential units. Together with the quality department, our monitoring team then duly identifies where improvements should be made and measures initiated to minimise risks.

  • The proportion of residents who have suffered a fall in the past year averaged 16.51 % (2021: 
    12.06 %) and the proportion of residents whose BMI was less than 18.5% on the monthly reporting date averaged 5.00 % (2021: 4.41 %).
  • Particularly gratifying is the stable rate of measures involving deprivation of liberty, which at 0.14 % (2021: 0.01 %) is well below the national average of 5.60 % (see MDS Care Quality Report 12/2020).

Since 2018, MÜNCHENSTIFT has also been monitoring the administration of psychotropic drugs, which may assume a deprivation of liberty character. By comparing the set monthly amount of psychotropic drugs deemed necessary to those actually dispensed, conclusions can be drawn as to the extent to which dispensing was limited to the necessary minimum.

Indicator-based audit procedure

"The new audit procedure marks a paradigmatic shift towards promoting professionalism in the care process, the individual responsibility of the care staff, and the quality of the results in terms of the people in care."

Sebastian Rokita

Project manager, indicator-based audit procedure

Passing on expertise, providing tools

As part of MÜNCHENSTIFT's extensive further training syllabus, multiplier courses are held regularly. Based on the relevant expert standard (for instance, pertaining to decubitus or fall prevention), carers, residential unit managers and their deputies are apprised of state-of-the-art expertise in those areas. Material is covered that the managers then use in compact training sessions in order to share this expertise with their fellow team members. The aim is to give all carers and assistants the confidence to perform their duties.

MÜNCHENSTIFT’s modern intranet solution makes it easy for everyone to access the relevant specialist information. Only care and assistance that is based on state-of-the-art standards can be successfully maintained at a high level, thus achieving the best possible quality of life for MÜNCHENSTIFT residents.

In order to focus our advice and support more strongly on the needs of our residences, since 2020 the quality department has been holding regular quality circle sessions, during which issues relating to the individual residences can be addressed and tackled more effectively.