Who we are

Cosmopolitan. Old. Emotional. Diverse. Young. Caring.

Of course, we could list all the numbers and corporate data about us at this point. We could - but we believe that there is more to it than just facts and figures. That's why we prefer to write about the heart and soul of MÜNCHENSTIFT:

We are by no means an ordinary care and nursing home operator, nor do we intend to become one!

Our values




Heart and soul

We are a team of about 2,100 unique individuals. Although our professions range from janitors and cooks to nurses and administrators, and we work in different places like Schwabing, Laim and Bogenhausen, we are all

  • Helpers and supporters of independent-minded elderly residents
  • Carers for people with dementia
  • Co-inhabitants and organisers of events in the Munich districts
  • Helpers with an open ear for family caregivers
  • Hand holders and companions at the end of life’s journey
  • Counsellors and shoulders to lean on for novices

Company Reports

Annual Report

The Annual Report 2022 is not like any other report, because it not only shows what happened at the MÜNCHENSTIFT this year and which projects were started, advanced or completed. It also shows how the company has developed over the past 10 years under the leadership of Siegfried Benker, who will retire in 2023.


With the introduction of Primary Nursing, MÜNCHENSTIFT took another major step forward in the quality of nursing care. This introduction was flanked by the implementation of the structural model, which in turn developed its great effectiveness through the installation of a modern IT infrastructure.


Finally, under Siegfried Benker, a vibrant corporate culture developed, characterized by openness to the cultural and ideological diversity that reflects Munich's urban society. The culture of respect for different sexual identities also developed decisively during these years. Last but not least, under Siegfried Benker's leadership, MÜNCHENSTIFT set strong accents in the area of sustainability, whether it was achieving climate neutrality, planning energy-efficient new buildings, using organic quality food, and much more.

Diversity Report

MÜNCHENSTIFT is there for everyone in Munich - including LGBTIQ* seniors. For several years, MÜNCHENSTIFT has been on the way to opening up its care and assistance for people from the LGBTIQ* community. Thanks to the personnel costs subsidy for the project management granted by the Social Department of the City of Munich, MÜNCHENSTIFT is able to continue and expand the process of opening up and implement diversity in a sustainable way. 


Of particular importance was the start of a three-year project plan to implement a non-discriminatory supply chain for LGBTIQ* seniors. This report within the framework of the project "Opening up long-term care in Munich for the LGBTIQ* community" refers to the defined milestones for the reporting year 2022 and summarizes the achievements of the entire three-year project period.